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《真空祖师》出生于前清道光七年四月初九日 (即公元 1827 年),俗名《廖帝聘》。廖祖师的当时出生地,在于中国江西省寻邬县 – 水东村《黃畬山》。他自幼便聪明豁达,青年时更是智慧超颖,所做种种善事,皆以众人为本和大公利益为先,绝无自我的心态。例如:廖祖师常耗力剷除道路上的障碍,亦在道路旁侧种植树木以供行人遮荫。此举不但造福地方老百姓,也得到乡民的爱戴和敬仰。
廖祖师十六岁时,乃在求学时期,就耳闻当时的两广总督大人 – 林则徐,于全国大力销毁与禁止洋烟活动。林则徐大人为了救国,既是亲子犯禁,也不外恕,最后将其逮捕并斩首示众。此壮举导至廖祖师,于因缘地当下发下大愿,来日学成有就后,必定跟随此戒烟之风,好让国人同胞们远离毒品,自救与强国。
如此年复一年,光阴似箭,廖祖师也渐渐成长。他成熟和机智的处事风范,更是成为乡民们的模范师长。无奈造化作弄,廖祖师正当二十四岁时,其妻逝世 (内情不详),膝下亦无儿女。这对廖祖师无疑是个极大的打击,使他感叹人生被大自然力量(因果业力)所操纵的无情支配,亦更激发了他的求道之決心。尽管其双亲多次欲再搓合良缘,他都断然拒绝再另取妻室,并道:
廖祖师在《修觉山》,待了一年多。隔年后,是时咸丰七年 (即公元 1857 年),亦正当他三十一岁时,便下山回乡探亲;这次立志要得到双亲的同意,好让他出家修行。当他的所有家人知悉事情的来由后,亦觉得他多年来的努力修持,终使机缘成熟。既然能顺他意,也希望拯救天下苍生,无疑不是一粧好事!
得到双亲的认同, 廖祖师便随《刘必发》长老回《云盖崠》古刹出家,正式受戒,并拜在其座下学法修行。
刘长老终究是位开悟大德,深明大义。他了解到上天所御下的重任,必须由廖祖师去落实。他日,佛门中孕育出别宗新材,不但含有传宗接花之美,法界中亦有新教护持正法,慈悲救济世人,实是一粧喜讯, 也是老百姓的善往福报!
廖祖师更是专研儒释道三教,以其三教的文化精髓根源,去腐存菁,编写了本教的四大经典 – 《报空宝卷》、《无相宝卷》、《报恩宝卷》和《三教宝卷》等等。
1. 皈依 – 此乃心与道合一,须臾不离。既无老师所在,也不无迷失于颠倒。依道不依人,就永世跟随祖师的无为教义,毫无恐惧。
2. 皈中 – 生活即是修行。凡事不偏不倚,老实忠厚,默守中道,允执厥中。
3. 皈正 – 道真心亦正。纳天地之正气,洁身自爱,大义凛然,心地一片光明,无愧于心。
4. 皈一 – 一入真空门,永不向外求。德一不二,无参无什,亦不受旁门外道所牵引。
5. 皈空 – 此乃修道至高境界。宇宙一切相乃空相,归空归一,无证于有证。转变《有为》成《无为》,后再转变无为成《大道自然》。万物始、灭随道缘,切勿执着。
1. 考真 – 空心化性显真本。道心乃清淨心,不为外境所牵;不管富贵贫贱,道心不退,始终守一真元。
2. 考直 – 道若坦途,心仍直如矢。无为无不为,绝不歪邪,心直身正,表里相应。
3. 考愿 – 一心向道,绝不悔缩。毁誉由他,逆来顺受,犯而不较。
4. 考捨 – 超凡入道,不恋尘缘,不执着于世事;破解迷惑,开智令悟,免堕落沦迴之苦。修道心乃清心寡欲,知足常乐,不盲目追求奢华,常保乐观;这也是做人快乐的万福根源。
公元 1863年二月初七日,廖祖师在《黃畬山》故里 – 培桂园,第一次举办《开坛普渡》盛典,引来了许多广大群众,由其犯烟病人之多。廖祖师以本教的创新法门,首次公开于世。基于简单的跪拜方式、饮仙茶、打仙露(子时静坐),许多百姓们成功戒烟和治疗病根,效果百试百验。短短一个月的时间,超过一万人被度化和皈依《真空教》。
公元 1864 年春,廖祖师把自己所悟出的《空中大道》和所有《真空教》的精髓教义,传授于两位胞弟 – 廖兆元、廖兆扬两人。从此,三人一同隐居于《修觉山》,并在当地建设《真空教》道坛,日夜共修,参透宇宙道法玄机。最后,悟出了《空中图》和《三教图》。
廖祖师家族中有一后生徒子《廖接武》,挺身投诉两江提督,告知冤狱。此人翻案不果,反招入狱之祸!后来,贛县知令观察廖祖师和众爱徒在狱中言谈自如,性在空中,无半点恐怖愁容。接着,知令潜函到贵溪龙虎山- 张天师处,询问究竟。
次年,公元1893 年十一月初十,廖祖师在狱中招徕门徒几人,告知大家他将于同月十六日上空。众门徒听后,都痛哭悲泣,欲留之于世上。
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〈大道威灵家家显。空道流行处处明〉DEC 2014
《真空祖师》出生于前清道光七年四月初九日 (即公元 1827 年),俗名《廖帝聘》。廖祖师的当时出生地,在于中国江西省寻邬县 – 水东村《黃畬山》。他自幼便聪明豁达,青年时更是智慧超颖,所做种种善事,皆以众人为本和大公利益为先,绝无自我的心态。例如:廖祖师常耗力剷除道路上的障碍,亦在道路旁侧种植树木以供行人遮荫。此举不但造福地方老百姓,也得到乡民的爱戴和敬仰。
廖祖师十六岁时,乃在求学时期,就耳闻当时的两广总督大人 – 林则徐,于全国大力销毁与禁止洋烟活动。林则徐大人为了救国,既是亲子犯禁,也不外恕,最后将其逮捕并斩首示众。此壮举导至廖祖师,于因缘地当下发下大愿,来日学成有就后,必定跟随此戒烟之风,好让国人同胞们远离毒品,自救与强国。
如此年复一年,光阴似箭,廖祖师也渐渐成长。他成熟和机智的处事风范,更是成为乡民们的模范师长。无奈造化作弄,廖祖师正当二十四岁时,其妻逝世 (内情不详),膝下亦无儿女。这对廖祖师无疑是个极大的打击,使他感叹人生被大自然力量(因果业力)所操纵的无情支配,亦更激发了他的求道之決心。尽管其双亲多次欲再搓合良缘,他都断然拒绝再另取妻室,并道:
廖祖师在《修觉山》,待了一年多。隔年后,是时咸丰七年 (即公元 1857 年),亦正当他三十一岁时,便下山回乡探亲;这次立志要得到双亲的同意,好让他出家修行。当他的所有家人知悉事情的来由后,亦觉得他多年来的努力修持,终使机缘成熟。既然能顺他意,也希望拯救天下苍生,无疑不是一粧好事!
得到双亲的认同, 廖祖师便随《刘必发》长老回《云盖崠》古刹出家,正式受戒,并拜在其座下学法修行。
刘长老终究是位开悟大德,深明大义。他了解到上天所御下的重任,必须由廖祖师去落实。他日,佛门中孕育出别宗新材,不但含有传宗接花之美,法界中亦有新教护持正法,慈悲救济世人,实是一粧喜讯, 也是老百姓的善往福报!
廖祖师更是专研儒释道三教,以其三教的文化精髓根源,去腐存菁,编写了本教的四大经典 – 《报空宝卷》、《无相宝卷》、《报恩宝卷》和《三教宝卷》等等。
- 五皈 – 1. 皈依 2. 皈中 3. 皈正 4. 皈一 5. 皈空
- 四考 – 1. 考真 2. 考直 3. 考愿 4. 考捨
- 十诫 – 1. 不淫欲 2. 不偷盗 3. 纪念上祖恩义 4. 孝敬父母,尊重伦常 5. 勿吸烟酒毒
1. 皈依 – 此乃心与道合一,须臾不离。既无老师所在,也不无迷失于颠倒。依道不依人,就永世跟随祖师的无为教义,毫无恐惧。
2. 皈中 – 生活即是修行。凡事不偏不倚,老实忠厚,默守中道,允执厥中。
3. 皈正 – 道真心亦正。纳天地之正气,洁身自爱,大义凛然,心地一片光明,无愧于心。
4. 皈一 – 一入真空门,永不向外求。德一不二,无参无什,亦不受旁门外道所牵引。
5. 皈空 – 此乃修道至高境界。宇宙一切相乃空相,归空归一,无证于有证。转变《有为》成《无为》,后再转变无为成《大道自然》。万物始、灭随道缘,切勿执着。
1. 考真 – 空心化性显真本。道心乃清淨心,不为外境所牵;不管富贵贫贱,道心不退,始终守一真元。
2. 考直 – 道若坦途,心仍直如矢。无为无不为,绝不歪邪,心直身正,表里相应。
3. 考愿 – 一心向道,绝不悔缩。毁誉由他,逆来顺受,犯而不较。
4. 考捨 – 超凡入道,不恋尘缘,不执着于世事;破解迷惑,开智令悟,免堕落沦迴之苦。修道心乃清心寡欲,知足常乐,不盲目追求奢华,常保乐观;这也是做人快乐的万福根源。
公元 1863年二月初七日,廖祖师在《黃畬山》故里 – 培桂园,第一次举办《开坛普渡》盛典,引来了许多广大群众,由其犯烟病人之多。廖祖师以本教的创新法门,首次公开于世。基于简单的跪拜方式、饮仙茶、打仙露(子时静坐),许多百姓们成功戒烟和治疗病根,效果百试百验。短短一个月的时间,超过一万人被度化和皈依《真空教》。
公元 1864 年春,廖祖师把自己所悟出的《空中大道》和所有《真空教》的精髓教义,传授于两位胞弟 – 廖兆元、廖兆扬两人。从此,三人一同隐居于《修觉山》,并在当地建设《真空教》道坛,日夜共修,参透宇宙道法玄机。最后,悟出了《空中图》和《三教图》。
廖祖师家族中有一后生徒子《廖接武》,挺身投诉两江提督,告知冤狱。此人翻案不果,反招入狱之祸!后来,贛县知令观察廖祖师和众爱徒在狱中言谈自如,性在空中,无半点恐怖愁容。接着,知令潜函到贵溪龙虎山- 张天师处,询问究竟。
次年,公元1893 年十一月初十,廖祖师在狱中招徕门徒几人,告知大家他将于同月十六日上空。众门徒听后,都痛哭悲泣,欲留之于世上。
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〈大道威灵家家显。空道流行处处明〉DEC 2014
Zhenkong Religion (aka Kongdao)
Disclaimer: It is a great fortune of yours to be here. The objective of this website is to share the realization of DAO and teachings of the universal truth. The contents are mostly based on the Chinese book written by Professional Luo Xianglin published in 1962, entitled “The Zhenkong Religion that Popularizes among Teochew, Hokkien, Cantonese and Malaya”. As practitioners of universal truth, we reserve all our comments on other sects and also do not reply to any criticism. We aim to share with more people on the core values of Kongdao and together, we find the WAY (DAO) to eternal Nirvana.
The Title heading with "o" at the back indicates bi-lingual description.
The Title heading with "o" at the back indicates bi-lingual description.
Topic 1:The Youth
Grandmaster Zhenkong was born on 9th day of Chinese lunar 4th month in 1827, during the Qing dynasty in China. The place of birth was set in Jiangxi Province in China and located in Xunwu County. The exact locality was known as Mt. Huangshe.
At his birth to a family with surname “Liao”, Grandmaster was named “Diping” by his family seniors. Since young, he was a bright and intelligent child with a compassionate mind. While staying in the county, Liao used to contribute his efforts in many ways for helping others. He always volunteered to remove obstacles and planted trees along the walkways in order to benefit the fellow countrymen.
When he turned sixteen, Liao took admiralty in then national Magistrate Lin Zexu who spent untiring efforts in eradicating opium from spreading within China. When Magistrate Lin found out his very own son was an opium addict and thus, executed him in public impartially, Liao vowed to follow the good example and aspired to terminate opium from deteriorating his country.
Times flied swiftly. Liao became a suave young man with maturity while his intelligence and benevolence earned much esteem from his fellow county men. Unfortunately, his wife died when he was 24 years old with no descendants. At then, Liao suffered great impact and started to ponder the power of “Cause and Effects” (Karma) that had been working on all human beings. He refused to re-marry despite the consent of his parents. Instead, he made an aspiration to pursue the ultimate enlightenment in life!
He once said,” I’d rather be the Enlightened Master in the world than to be the father of a single surname.”
Though Liao wanted very much to seek monkhood, he resorted to practicing Zen Buddhism on part-time basis while taking care of his aging parents. Hence, he dedicated his time to many community work within the county and simultaneously sought after the tutelage of a Zen Master called Liu in Yungai Temple during his free time.
Later on, Master Liu shifted to Mt. Xiujue to continue his practice in solitaire. Liao followed him and spent most of his time in intensive learning on Zen Buddhism.
There was once when Liao queried Master Liu:
“What is rarest and also most precious in the universe?”
“Only DAO (WAY) is the utmost rarest and precious in the universe!” Master Liu answered solemnly.
Thence, Liao made up his mind to seek monkhood and pursue the ultimate enlightenment in life.
After a year had passed, Liao returned home in 1857 when he was 31 years old. This time, he decided to persuade his parents for their blessings to allow his ordainment for monkhood. After he got the consent from every member of his family, Liao left for Yungai Temple again and formally took up the precepts of monkhood while acknowledging Master Liu as his lifetime Teacher.
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Topic 2: Return from Monkhood
Liao was a sharp and fast learner with honest personality. Within months of practice, he won the dear trust of Master Liu and received the great teachings of 2 maha-sutras for enhanced practice. Later on, they moved back to Mt. Xujue for seeking in-depth practice while in refuge.
During the subsequent 6 years, they farmed during the days and meditated during the nights without fail. Finally, Liao came to understand the universal truth and attained enlightenment from within. In his philosophy of truth, the WAY of Emptiness (Kongdao) is simplistic and marks the beginning cum the end of time. The WAY manifests in different forms and also serves as the core nature of all life forms.
When Liao interpreted the philosophy of Emptiness (Void) and Dao (WAY), he said:
“The DAO began with emptiness and will end with emptiness.”
“The DAO has no fixed forms but also formless.”
“The DAO exists in every life form and monitors every life form.”
“The DAO replicates to the Origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.”
When Liao became a Master, he was often upset by realizing the difficulty in passing on his philosophy of truth realization to others. During those days, many were illiterate and the China was sunken in deepening poverty and warfare.
Once when Master Liao was pondering very hard on ways to salvage the widespread sufferings of people, he broke into tears and prayed to the sky for some holy directives. Apparently, his sincerity was so powerful and touched the Ultimate Wuji (The Almighty) who descended with many angels and accompanied holy messages.
When Master Liao told his Mentor of this experience, Master Liu replied with happiness and granted his blessings to Liao for starting another new religious sect and spread his new philosophy.
With the verbal support from Liu, Master Liao departed and went back to his home at Mt. Huangshe. He started a new sect that taught practitioners to observe the heavenly order of nature (DAO) and live humbly accordingly to the law of nature (DAO). He also taught people to eat healthily and live happily without the necessity to observe vegetarian diets.
In his teachings, every life form is born and will perish by the law of nature, thus reinforce the continual circulation of universal energy till eternal eons of years. All practitioners should observe the middle WAY as means to live happily and satisfactorily, without taking extreme paths. Thus, all matters will achieve harmony and balance naturally. In this new religion known as Zhenkong sect (Religion of Void, also known as Kongdao), the most important verbal observation is the conclusion (last sentence) in every prayer: Replicate to the Origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.
Master Liao combined his understanding of the 3 major religions during his time and preserved the core values of these teachings from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He wrote the 4 main sutras in Zhenkong Religion known as Baokong Sutra, Wuxiang Sutra, Sanjiao Sutra and Baoen Sutra.
During the first few years of his teachings, his leadership had won many respects and esteem in the Jiangxi Province. In fact, many followers travelled for miles from other Provinces to see Grandmaster Liao in order to seek the practice of Kongdao. (Note: Kongdao is a short name for Zhenkong religion)
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Topic 3: The 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts
Zhenkong Religion reinforces the rules to be maintained by all followers:
- Seek 5 Refuges > 1. In DAO 2. In Middle Path 3. In Uprightness 4. In Oneness 5. In Defilement (Emptiness)
- 4 Examinations > 1. Sincerity (Purity) in heart 2. Straightness (Honesty) 3. Great Vows 4. Defilement (Offerings)
- 10 Precepts > 1. Abstain from sexual misconduct 2. Abstain from theft 3. Commemorate ancestors 4. Filial piety and Respect family order 5. Abstain from drugs and alcohol 6. Abstain from gamble 7. Abstain from telling lies 8. Abstain from greed 9. Eradicate superstition and idolatry worship 10. Lead a simple life and be a disciplinary citizen
Definition of seeking in 5 Refuges:
1. Acknowledge DAO exists in all nature’s life form. Synchronize our hearts to the values of DAO even in the absence of any Master around us. Do all goods and have no fear within.
2. Adopt middle path in our daily living by maintaining harmony in whatever we do BUT not seeking the extremes
3. Cultivate upright thoughts and bodily actions with full awareness in our daily livings
4. Follow the One and Only truth without being swayed into occult beliefs
5. Adore Emptiness (DAO) as our beliefs as everything with forms are impermanent
Definition of 4 Examinations:
1. Adopt a sincere and pure heart as our living principle so as to stay connected to DAO. Treat all humans as equal without prejudice to all matters.
2. Lead a straightforward life and speak in honesty. Do not be possessed by devilish thoughts.
3. Make great vows by adhering to the One and Only truth without changing your practice disregarding the perceptions of others unto you
4. Practice defilement (by giving offerings) to help and serve all others without selfishness. Revert to simple lifestyle for true happiness and not be overwhelmed by excessive luxuries.
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Topic 4: the First Sermon
On the 7th day of Chinese lunar second month in 1863, Master Liao conducted his very first religious sermon in his hometown Mt. Huangshe. Many opium addicts and ailed people attended the event with intention to eradicate their bodily sufferings.
Master Liao taught the followers to kneel and pray piously to the sky, drink plain Chinese tea as way to detoxification and meditate in past midnights as a form of remedy. The mystical power of this new combined methodology cured many people without using medicine. Within a month, more than 10,000 countrymen were cured and set free by such miraculous remedy. Thus the good name of Zhenkong religion travelled by miles across to many provinces.
As more and more followers joined the subsequent religious events, Master Liao decided to liquidate all his family and personal assets in order to finance the huge expenditures. The great compassion of alleviating others’ sufferings won many supports of the people and tens of thousands of followers came under the teachings of him which was commonly known as DAO of Emptiness (Chinese read as Kongdao).
In the spring of 1864, Master Liao imparted his teachings to his 2 family brothers namely Zhaoyuan and Zhaoyang. Since then, the three of them resided in the temple of Mt. Xiujue and practiced diligently for days and nights. Later, Master Liao founded the Kongzhong Pictorial and the Kongdao Pictorial that became the essential holy subjects of Zhenkong sect in future years.
However, as more and more followers visited the temple for seeking remedy to eradicate their drug addiction, the financial constraints of Master Liao became worst as days went by due to the shrinking resources!
Among many followers, there were 3 young men who successfully eradicated their opium addiction and volunteered to stay behind to serve Master Liao. After he observed these 3 chaps for many months and was finally convinced by their determination to pursue the practice of Kongdao, Master Liao finally took them all under his mentorship as fellow disciples.
Since then, they had 6 men staying together in the temple and lived in unity. They took care of daily chores in the temple premise and worked together to serve the huge followers who kept coming for seeking relief. Master Liao was happy and always praised the 2 brothers like added wings to him while the 3 disciples served like the Sun, Moon and Star in order to regulate harmony within the universe.
While more and more fellow countrymen kept visiting the temple and sought the teachings of truth, the reputation of Master Liao and his disciples also travelled to faraway places that invited many newcomers.
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Topic 5: The Spread of DAO
One of the unique ritual ceremonies in Zhenkong religion is the sacrifice of animals known as “Fanghua” (offering of exchange). This is classified into the “Big offering” that involves hogs, cows or lambs while “Small offering” refers to sacrificing chickens or ducks.
Many people misunderstand the principal of our religion and debate the sacrifice of animals as a form of occult ritual. However, this is not acceptable for an ignorant man to give such comment until he fully comprehends the compassion of Master Liao.
During his time, Master Liao realized many farm animals were bred for source of food and eventually had to be killed. Moreover, the repetitive reincarnations of these souls have been circulating within the 6 channels that had caused them to lose their awareness.
Zhenkong sect does not encourage casual and random killing or meat diets. In fact, we live by the most natural way that consume whatever edibles offered to us but being non-choosy in our diets. We live in the most simple and natural way of life without the need of seeking monkhood or insisting to be a home practitioner. We believe the universe is our home and we may practice in any locations without discrimination in our environments, diets and people around us.
“Fanghua” is a solemn ritual ceremony. It must be performed only under the permitted conditions of having proper setup with fellow seniors to recite the Baokong sutra. The purpose of this ritual ceremony is to shift the bodily sufferings or negative karma of a person (who donates the offering of animal) to a sacrificed animal in exchange of alleviation. Alternatively, the animal will take away the negativities of the human and be elevated to higher life form so as to be born as human again for future practice to attain Nirvana (spiritual ascension).
The purpose of “Fanghua” ceremony is to salvage the souls of animals with good wills. However, this is only possible if all the 3 compulsory factors are met at focal point i.e. the great prowess of Baokong sutra written by Master Liao, the willingness of animal’s sacrifice after being converted by the sutra and lastly, the repentance of human (who gives offering).
Strictly speaking, “Fanghua” ceremony is a switch of karmas between 2 parties and creates miraculous effects. It takes the faith of one who genuinely needs to give such offerings in order to see positive results. This is an ideal and miraculous effect that equates the sufferings of souls in different forms.
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Topic 6: The Spiritual Acension
In the year 1892, Master Liao was residing and practicing in Dengyun temple with his group of disciples. On the 22nd day of Chinese lunar 12th month, the local magistrate faked a warrant of arrest for Master Liao with an intention to extort money.
As Master Liao was well known for his thriftiness and simplicity in living, the court official was unable to compel any monetary payment for his bail, thus locked him up in the jail with few other disciples for almost a year.
One of the family descendant cum disciple named as Jiewu, reported to the higher authority for re-trial but was thrown into jail instead,out of no reason.
While the local magistrate observed the behavior of Master Liao to be solemn and relaxed while being captivated, he was appalled and sent a mail to Mt. Longhu to consult a popular Taoist priest of this situation. The Taoist priest surnamed with Zhang, replied that Master Liao was a real practitioner of truth and would not be swayed by imposing bodily treatments on him and thus should be released.
Nevertheless, no one knew the real reason why Master Liao was not released despite the local court magistrate did try to set him free through seeking the higher authority.
In the following year 1893, on the 10th day of Chinese lunar 11th month, Master Liao summoned few of his bosom disciples to his cell and told them this breaking news.
He said, “On the 16th day of this month will be the day of my ascension!”
“Do not be upset.” He said. “I came to impart the DAO and now the task has been accomplished. Thus, I should return HOME. Last night, I received the Verdict message from The Almighty that has conferred me with the title of “Grandmaster Zhenkong” (True Emptiness). This is an auspicious sign and should not be upset upon.”
He continued, “After I’m gone, you shall rebuild the temple of Mt. Huangshe as our base and start to impart the teachings of DAO from there.”
On the 16th day of the same lunar month, Master Liao sat upright with peaceful smile while he kept reciting the verses “Replicate to the origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.”
As he entered into Nirvana, there was a huge strong aura that emerged from his body and shot up straight into the sky. Master Liao lived for 66 years when he left the world.
Later on, Zhenkong religion spread rapidly within China and grew into the southern part of Asia such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia at the beginning of 20th century.
Topic 7: The Summary
Entailing the changes of many decades, Zhenkong religion is about to step into the first 200 years anniversary since it was founded. The sect has gone through the challenges of many tidal changes such as World War l, World War ll, shift-over from Qing dynasty to the People’s Republic of China, cultural revolution in the 60’s etc.
In addition, the rapid modernization of human science also tends to leave the teachings of Kongdao behind time. Laymen might misunderstand the Kongdao practice as superstition. However, the core values of Kongdao practice have always been consistent and upholding without compromise in the belief of Oneness and only Emptiness.
The objective of this website is to create good affinity with people who wish to seek the truth to eternal brightness and creating a life full of happiness. As true practitioner of Kongdao, we believe the great protection of The Almighty (DAO) will bestow upon us with no fear in all challenges in our daily livings while we always succumb obstacles towards all success.
Though we live in this part of the universe with impermanent forms, we always cultivate our awareness to the DAO with the positive powers to achieve in all our good-will endeavors!
Life is short and should be enlightened with Truth that leads you to happiness. We welcome all people to contact us and join into our practice for seeking this fulfillment.
The DAO exists in every part of the world while Kongdao brightens every corner with its presence.
With love and compassion to all beings, may all sufferings be alleviated.
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Grandmaster Zhenkong was born on 9th day of Chinese lunar 4th month in 1827, during the Qing dynasty in China. The place of birth was set in Jiangxi Province in China and located in Xunwu County. The exact locality was known as Mt. Huangshe.
At his birth to a family with surname “Liao”, Grandmaster was named “Diping” by his family seniors. Since young, he was a bright and intelligent child with a compassionate mind. While staying in the county, Liao used to contribute his efforts in many ways for helping others. He always volunteered to remove obstacles and planted trees along the walkways in order to benefit the fellow countrymen.
When he turned sixteen, Liao took admiralty in then national Magistrate Lin Zexu who spent untiring efforts in eradicating opium from spreading within China. When Magistrate Lin found out his very own son was an opium addict and thus, executed him in public impartially, Liao vowed to follow the good example and aspired to terminate opium from deteriorating his country.
Times flied swiftly. Liao became a suave young man with maturity while his intelligence and benevolence earned much esteem from his fellow county men. Unfortunately, his wife died when he was 24 years old with no descendants. At then, Liao suffered great impact and started to ponder the power of “Cause and Effects” (Karma) that had been working on all human beings. He refused to re-marry despite the consent of his parents. Instead, he made an aspiration to pursue the ultimate enlightenment in life!
He once said,” I’d rather be the Enlightened Master in the world than to be the father of a single surname.”
Though Liao wanted very much to seek monkhood, he resorted to practicing Zen Buddhism on part-time basis while taking care of his aging parents. Hence, he dedicated his time to many community work within the county and simultaneously sought after the tutelage of a Zen Master called Liu in Yungai Temple during his free time.
Later on, Master Liu shifted to Mt. Xiujue to continue his practice in solitaire. Liao followed him and spent most of his time in intensive learning on Zen Buddhism.
There was once when Liao queried Master Liu:
“What is rarest and also most precious in the universe?”
“Only DAO (WAY) is the utmost rarest and precious in the universe!” Master Liu answered solemnly.
Thence, Liao made up his mind to seek monkhood and pursue the ultimate enlightenment in life.
After a year had passed, Liao returned home in 1857 when he was 31 years old. This time, he decided to persuade his parents for their blessings to allow his ordainment for monkhood. After he got the consent from every member of his family, Liao left for Yungai Temple again and formally took up the precepts of monkhood while acknowledging Master Liu as his lifetime Teacher.
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Topic 2: Return from Monkhood
Liao was a sharp and fast learner with honest personality. Within months of practice, he won the dear trust of Master Liu and received the great teachings of 2 maha-sutras for enhanced practice. Later on, they moved back to Mt. Xujue for seeking in-depth practice while in refuge.
During the subsequent 6 years, they farmed during the days and meditated during the nights without fail. Finally, Liao came to understand the universal truth and attained enlightenment from within. In his philosophy of truth, the WAY of Emptiness (Kongdao) is simplistic and marks the beginning cum the end of time. The WAY manifests in different forms and also serves as the core nature of all life forms.
When Liao interpreted the philosophy of Emptiness (Void) and Dao (WAY), he said:
“The DAO began with emptiness and will end with emptiness.”
“The DAO has no fixed forms but also formless.”
“The DAO exists in every life form and monitors every life form.”
“The DAO replicates to the Origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.”
When Liao became a Master, he was often upset by realizing the difficulty in passing on his philosophy of truth realization to others. During those days, many were illiterate and the China was sunken in deepening poverty and warfare.
Once when Master Liao was pondering very hard on ways to salvage the widespread sufferings of people, he broke into tears and prayed to the sky for some holy directives. Apparently, his sincerity was so powerful and touched the Ultimate Wuji (The Almighty) who descended with many angels and accompanied holy messages.
When Master Liao told his Mentor of this experience, Master Liu replied with happiness and granted his blessings to Liao for starting another new religious sect and spread his new philosophy.
With the verbal support from Liu, Master Liao departed and went back to his home at Mt. Huangshe. He started a new sect that taught practitioners to observe the heavenly order of nature (DAO) and live humbly accordingly to the law of nature (DAO). He also taught people to eat healthily and live happily without the necessity to observe vegetarian diets.
In his teachings, every life form is born and will perish by the law of nature, thus reinforce the continual circulation of universal energy till eternal eons of years. All practitioners should observe the middle WAY as means to live happily and satisfactorily, without taking extreme paths. Thus, all matters will achieve harmony and balance naturally. In this new religion known as Zhenkong sect (Religion of Void, also known as Kongdao), the most important verbal observation is the conclusion (last sentence) in every prayer: Replicate to the Origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.
Master Liao combined his understanding of the 3 major religions during his time and preserved the core values of these teachings from Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. He wrote the 4 main sutras in Zhenkong Religion known as Baokong Sutra, Wuxiang Sutra, Sanjiao Sutra and Baoen Sutra.
During the first few years of his teachings, his leadership had won many respects and esteem in the Jiangxi Province. In fact, many followers travelled for miles from other Provinces to see Grandmaster Liao in order to seek the practice of Kongdao. (Note: Kongdao is a short name for Zhenkong religion)
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Topic 3: The 5 Refuges, 4 Examinations and 10 Precepts
Zhenkong Religion reinforces the rules to be maintained by all followers:
- Seek 5 Refuges > 1. In DAO 2. In Middle Path 3. In Uprightness 4. In Oneness 5. In Defilement (Emptiness)
- 4 Examinations > 1. Sincerity (Purity) in heart 2. Straightness (Honesty) 3. Great Vows 4. Defilement (Offerings)
- 10 Precepts > 1. Abstain from sexual misconduct 2. Abstain from theft 3. Commemorate ancestors 4. Filial piety and Respect family order 5. Abstain from drugs and alcohol 6. Abstain from gamble 7. Abstain from telling lies 8. Abstain from greed 9. Eradicate superstition and idolatry worship 10. Lead a simple life and be a disciplinary citizen
Definition of seeking in 5 Refuges:
1. Acknowledge DAO exists in all nature’s life form. Synchronize our hearts to the values of DAO even in the absence of any Master around us. Do all goods and have no fear within.
2. Adopt middle path in our daily living by maintaining harmony in whatever we do BUT not seeking the extremes
3. Cultivate upright thoughts and bodily actions with full awareness in our daily livings
4. Follow the One and Only truth without being swayed into occult beliefs
5. Adore Emptiness (DAO) as our beliefs as everything with forms are impermanent
Definition of 4 Examinations:
1. Adopt a sincere and pure heart as our living principle so as to stay connected to DAO. Treat all humans as equal without prejudice to all matters.
2. Lead a straightforward life and speak in honesty. Do not be possessed by devilish thoughts.
3. Make great vows by adhering to the One and Only truth without changing your practice disregarding the perceptions of others unto you
4. Practice defilement (by giving offerings) to help and serve all others without selfishness. Revert to simple lifestyle for true happiness and not be overwhelmed by excessive luxuries.
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Topic 4: the First Sermon
On the 7th day of Chinese lunar second month in 1863, Master Liao conducted his very first religious sermon in his hometown Mt. Huangshe. Many opium addicts and ailed people attended the event with intention to eradicate their bodily sufferings.
Master Liao taught the followers to kneel and pray piously to the sky, drink plain Chinese tea as way to detoxification and meditate in past midnights as a form of remedy. The mystical power of this new combined methodology cured many people without using medicine. Within a month, more than 10,000 countrymen were cured and set free by such miraculous remedy. Thus the good name of Zhenkong religion travelled by miles across to many provinces.
As more and more followers joined the subsequent religious events, Master Liao decided to liquidate all his family and personal assets in order to finance the huge expenditures. The great compassion of alleviating others’ sufferings won many supports of the people and tens of thousands of followers came under the teachings of him which was commonly known as DAO of Emptiness (Chinese read as Kongdao).
In the spring of 1864, Master Liao imparted his teachings to his 2 family brothers namely Zhaoyuan and Zhaoyang. Since then, the three of them resided in the temple of Mt. Xiujue and practiced diligently for days and nights. Later, Master Liao founded the Kongzhong Pictorial and the Kongdao Pictorial that became the essential holy subjects of Zhenkong sect in future years.
However, as more and more followers visited the temple for seeking remedy to eradicate their drug addiction, the financial constraints of Master Liao became worst as days went by due to the shrinking resources!
Among many followers, there were 3 young men who successfully eradicated their opium addiction and volunteered to stay behind to serve Master Liao. After he observed these 3 chaps for many months and was finally convinced by their determination to pursue the practice of Kongdao, Master Liao finally took them all under his mentorship as fellow disciples.
Since then, they had 6 men staying together in the temple and lived in unity. They took care of daily chores in the temple premise and worked together to serve the huge followers who kept coming for seeking relief. Master Liao was happy and always praised the 2 brothers like added wings to him while the 3 disciples served like the Sun, Moon and Star in order to regulate harmony within the universe.
While more and more fellow countrymen kept visiting the temple and sought the teachings of truth, the reputation of Master Liao and his disciples also travelled to faraway places that invited many newcomers.
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Topic 5: The Spread of DAO
One of the unique ritual ceremonies in Zhenkong religion is the sacrifice of animals known as “Fanghua” (offering of exchange). This is classified into the “Big offering” that involves hogs, cows or lambs while “Small offering” refers to sacrificing chickens or ducks.
Many people misunderstand the principal of our religion and debate the sacrifice of animals as a form of occult ritual. However, this is not acceptable for an ignorant man to give such comment until he fully comprehends the compassion of Master Liao.
During his time, Master Liao realized many farm animals were bred for source of food and eventually had to be killed. Moreover, the repetitive reincarnations of these souls have been circulating within the 6 channels that had caused them to lose their awareness.
Zhenkong sect does not encourage casual and random killing or meat diets. In fact, we live by the most natural way that consume whatever edibles offered to us but being non-choosy in our diets. We live in the most simple and natural way of life without the need of seeking monkhood or insisting to be a home practitioner. We believe the universe is our home and we may practice in any locations without discrimination in our environments, diets and people around us.
“Fanghua” is a solemn ritual ceremony. It must be performed only under the permitted conditions of having proper setup with fellow seniors to recite the Baokong sutra. The purpose of this ritual ceremony is to shift the bodily sufferings or negative karma of a person (who donates the offering of animal) to a sacrificed animal in exchange of alleviation. Alternatively, the animal will take away the negativities of the human and be elevated to higher life form so as to be born as human again for future practice to attain Nirvana (spiritual ascension).
The purpose of “Fanghua” ceremony is to salvage the souls of animals with good wills. However, this is only possible if all the 3 compulsory factors are met at focal point i.e. the great prowess of Baokong sutra written by Master Liao, the willingness of animal’s sacrifice after being converted by the sutra and lastly, the repentance of human (who gives offering).
Strictly speaking, “Fanghua” ceremony is a switch of karmas between 2 parties and creates miraculous effects. It takes the faith of one who genuinely needs to give such offerings in order to see positive results. This is an ideal and miraculous effect that equates the sufferings of souls in different forms.
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Topic 6: The Spiritual Acension
In the year 1892, Master Liao was residing and practicing in Dengyun temple with his group of disciples. On the 22nd day of Chinese lunar 12th month, the local magistrate faked a warrant of arrest for Master Liao with an intention to extort money.
As Master Liao was well known for his thriftiness and simplicity in living, the court official was unable to compel any monetary payment for his bail, thus locked him up in the jail with few other disciples for almost a year.
One of the family descendant cum disciple named as Jiewu, reported to the higher authority for re-trial but was thrown into jail instead,out of no reason.
While the local magistrate observed the behavior of Master Liao to be solemn and relaxed while being captivated, he was appalled and sent a mail to Mt. Longhu to consult a popular Taoist priest of this situation. The Taoist priest surnamed with Zhang, replied that Master Liao was a real practitioner of truth and would not be swayed by imposing bodily treatments on him and thus should be released.
Nevertheless, no one knew the real reason why Master Liao was not released despite the local court magistrate did try to set him free through seeking the higher authority.
In the following year 1893, on the 10th day of Chinese lunar 11th month, Master Liao summoned few of his bosom disciples to his cell and told them this breaking news.
He said, “On the 16th day of this month will be the day of my ascension!”
“Do not be upset.” He said. “I came to impart the DAO and now the task has been accomplished. Thus, I should return HOME. Last night, I received the Verdict message from The Almighty that has conferred me with the title of “Grandmaster Zhenkong” (True Emptiness). This is an auspicious sign and should not be upset upon.”
He continued, “After I’m gone, you shall rebuild the temple of Mt. Huangshe as our base and start to impart the teachings of DAO from there.”
On the 16th day of the same lunar month, Master Liao sat upright with peaceful smile while he kept reciting the verses “Replicate to the origins, seek refuge in Oneness and only Emptiness.”
As he entered into Nirvana, there was a huge strong aura that emerged from his body and shot up straight into the sky. Master Liao lived for 66 years when he left the world.
Later on, Zhenkong religion spread rapidly within China and grew into the southern part of Asia such as Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia at the beginning of 20th century.
Topic 7: The Summary
Entailing the changes of many decades, Zhenkong religion is about to step into the first 200 years anniversary since it was founded. The sect has gone through the challenges of many tidal changes such as World War l, World War ll, shift-over from Qing dynasty to the People’s Republic of China, cultural revolution in the 60’s etc.
In addition, the rapid modernization of human science also tends to leave the teachings of Kongdao behind time. Laymen might misunderstand the Kongdao practice as superstition. However, the core values of Kongdao practice have always been consistent and upholding without compromise in the belief of Oneness and only Emptiness.
The objective of this website is to create good affinity with people who wish to seek the truth to eternal brightness and creating a life full of happiness. As true practitioner of Kongdao, we believe the great protection of The Almighty (DAO) will bestow upon us with no fear in all challenges in our daily livings while we always succumb obstacles towards all success.
Though we live in this part of the universe with impermanent forms, we always cultivate our awareness to the DAO with the positive powers to achieve in all our good-will endeavors!
Life is short and should be enlightened with Truth that leads you to happiness. We welcome all people to contact us and join into our practice for seeking this fulfillment.
The DAO exists in every part of the world while Kongdao brightens every corner with its presence.
With love and compassion to all beings, may all sufferings be alleviated.
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NO copyright reserved @ 2012 This website is for information only Last Update Jan 2013