公元770 – 476年之间, 老子(俗名:李聏)生于中国春秋时代。他是人类历史上,第一位著书宣道之圣人。此《道德经》撰述了宇宙形成原理,如何修炼了脱生死和运用道德修养来治理国家的崇高品德。
自1999年起,日本出了一名专门研究水质的学者- 《江本胜》先生。他撰写了几本著作至今依然畅销于全球之冠,其中几本包括了《水的真正能量》、《水晶体的医疗作用》、《水的医疗效用》等等。
当今,其他的出名著家如:Nathaniel Altman,Sumeet Sharma 和Ulrich Holst 亦撰写了有关水具有千变万化的医疗功能。于此总结,水是一项非常特殊的元素,犹如《道德经》在五千年前已经描述,它能够融入万物而随缘变化。水处于不同的环境下,可列为“死水”或“活水”,但它所暗藏的能量转变是超越我们人类所能够想象的。
《真空祖师》撰写了四本经书作为本教基础经典。其中首本经 - 《宝空宝卷》最为强力,经句的含义超越一切时空和宇宙太极平台,回归到无极大道。诵此经典,可以祛邪散恶、除一切障碍、避凶趋吉、扶正气等等。因此,大道的无穷威力加持茶水后,在过去一百多年来替无数世人治疗了许多无名病痛。
1) 临睡之前,于祖师坛前或家中当空跪拜亦可。此时,《祖师杯》必须填满茶水并置于坛前或跪拜近处。
2) 向空中请求方案,领情恩典量照,然后徐徐喝下半杯茶水。
3) 自行就寝,把《祖师杯》置于床头或附近处。
4) 凌晨寅时(3点至5点)起床,徐徐把剩下茶水喝完。
5) 开始无为静坐,维持30至60分钟。全面放松,秉持宽柔和慈悲心。
6) 继续就寝。
《祖师杯》 售价每件 新币10元 /马币 20元 等等。此收入作为道堂重建基金或运作经费。您的慷慨解囊,将会修得无量无边的护道功德。
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自1999年起,日本出了一名专门研究水质的学者- 《江本胜》先生。他撰写了几本著作至今依然畅销于全球之冠,其中几本包括了《水的真正能量》、《水晶体的医疗作用》、《水的医疗效用》等等。
当今,其他的出名著家如:Nathaniel Altman,Sumeet Sharma 和Ulrich Holst 亦撰写了有关水具有千变万化的医疗功能。于此总结,水是一项非常特殊的元素,犹如《道德经》在五千年前已经描述,它能够融入万物而随缘变化。水处于不同的环境下,可列为“死水”或“活水”,但它所暗藏的能量转变是超越我们人类所能够想象的。
《真空祖师》撰写了四本经书作为本教基础经典。其中首本经 - 《宝空宝卷》最为强力,经句的含义超越一切时空和宇宙太极平台,回归到无极大道。诵此经典,可以祛邪散恶、除一切障碍、避凶趋吉、扶正气等等。因此,大道的无穷威力加持茶水后,在过去一百多年来替无数世人治疗了许多无名病痛。
1) 临睡之前,于祖师坛前或家中当空跪拜亦可。此时,《祖师杯》必须填满茶水并置于坛前或跪拜近处。
2) 向空中请求方案,领情恩典量照,然后徐徐喝下半杯茶水。
3) 自行就寝,把《祖师杯》置于床头或附近处。
4) 凌晨寅时(3点至5点)起床,徐徐把剩下茶水喝完。
5) 开始无为静坐,维持30至60分钟。全面放松,秉持宽柔和慈悲心。
6) 继续就寝。
《祖师杯》 售价每件 新币10元 /马币 20元 等等。此收入作为道堂重建基金或运作经费。您的慷慨解囊,将会修得无量无边的护道功德。
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The Philosophy of DAO and Water
The first man who imparted DAO on earth is LaoZi from China (Spring-Autumn Era in 770 – 476 B.C.) who wrote the book Dao De Jing (Holy Text of DAO and Virtue). This is a sacred book that recorded the formation of universe, practice of DAO for reverting to eternal life and the virtue of state leaders in managing a country.
LaoZi always likened DAO to water that both carry the same characteristics. In his teachings, water was the first element created when universe initiated and very versatile in making umpteen changes in forms. While water can be transformed into solid state (ice), vapor state (evaporated as humid air) and water state (flow of streams to ocean), it will take a practitioner to completely understand the versatility of water only after comprehending the true value of these 3 different states of existence. Technically, it takes this trinity to revert to become the original state of water which is known as One Original Entity of Qi with no more segregation of Yin and Yang.
In Dao De Jing, LaoZi said one must observe spiritual practice like the pure intrinsic value of water, which benefits all other users but never conflict with anyone. In elaboration, water quenches thirst of all drinkers regardless of whoever consumes it and it supports all living things. It also cleanses the stains and pollutions of another entity without prejudice. However, the original state of water element is always pure and perfect despite mixing with whatever other elements. Today, this has been scientifically proven by laboratory separation process and desalination of sea water into drinking water.
Therefore, the making of holy water has become a cleansing agent commonly used by many religions to wash away sins, sickness and karma for last few thousands of years. Nevertheless, it is important for a practitioner to comprehend that nurturing the pure value of water in ourselves is more vital. The application of “Living DAO” equates to non-provocative behavior in our daily livings with Awakened Mind which will naturally lead us to abundance and wisdom in life.
The Science of Water Healing and Characteristics
Since 1999, there is a Japanese hydo-researcher and author named as Masaru Emoto who wrote on the healing power of water. Some of his international bestseller includes “Hidden Messages from Water”, “The True Power of Water”, “Water-Crystal Healing” and “The Healing Power of Water”. According to Masaru Emoto’s research, the mlecular structure of water will form into a beautiful cum perfect crystal shape under harmonious environment. For instance, the water obtained from mountainous streams and peaceful nature carries perfect octagonal or decagonal shapes under freezing point when observed through microscopic magnificence. These water molecules are
believed to be highly energized and could heal our bodies with harmonized vibrations compared to the water that carries damaged (lopsided) molecules.
Apart from obtaining good quality water that is highly energized, perfect-structured, harmonized, oxygenated from the wild nature, many studies in the past have been conducted on the same characteristics of water that has been chanted by religious prayers. While water is a very unique element that can absorb and dissipate energy, it will be logical for it to synchronize with faithful prayers that can be treated as“Holy water”.
In India, River Ganges is ranked as one of the fifth most polluted river in the world. Yet, the Hindus treat it as a sacred Hoy river that can purify the sins and souls. Ironically, scientists have also verified that River Ganges carry an “X-factor” that emits high level of oxygen for healing effects. Theoretically, this is explained by uncountable Saints who have been bathing, chanting prayers and meditating at the river for past few thousand years.
Till now, other authors that wrote about the animosity of water characteristics in healing include Nathaniel Altman, Sumeet Sharma, Ulrich Holst. In summary, water is an element of unique characteristics that can blend into any other element as mentioned in Dao De Jing since 5 thousand years ago. The energy carried by water under different environment as “dead water” or “live water” can be very unimaginable and beyond the extreme of our knowledge.
The Initiation of Tea-Drinking by Grandmaster ZhenKong
In our religious practice, Grandmaster ZhenKong initiated the tea-drinking ceremony after every prayer session since he began preaching. This is a unique practice that signifies the blessings be bestowed upon all fellowers with abundance, wisdom and happiness.
Using his supreme wisdom, Grandmaster ZhenKong fully comprehended the significance of water properties that aligned to his objective for healing ailments. Therefore, he used holy-tea as a miraculous antidote to detoxify, purify and cure many opium addicts and the sicknesses without medication.
Today, it has been scientifically proven that Chinese tea carries high level of anti-oxidants that can prevent illnesses or even cure certain diseases from consistent consumption. Through prayer, high vibrancy and harmonized energy are injected into the tea for increasing the efficiency to consumers. Of course, the faith and belief of receivers must synchronize perfectly with the teachings of ZhenKong sect wholeheartedly.
While Grandmaster ZhenKong wrote 4 Holy Texts as the main teachings for our sect, the most powerful one is the “Holy Text of BaoKong” that depicts the ultimate prowess of DAO in overruling all time and space vectors since and even before the beginning of Universe. Chanting this Holy Text carries highly energized power that can dissipate evils, remove obstacles, rectify negativity and develop positive energies. It is this miraculous effect that we believe the prowess of DAO has injected into the tea in curing umpteen sicknesses for more than last 100 years.
Hence, it has become a common practice for fellowers of ZhenKong sect to ask for blessings from the Grandmaster and be bestowed through tea-drinking ceremony. While we believe the prowess of DAO is omnipresent, fellowers may ask for blessings at home with wholehearted faith and belief by making use of the “Grandmaster Mug”.
Direction of Use
The“Grandmaster Mug” promotes the practice of receiving blessings through tea-drinking by fellowers. The rightful use of it will be very effective if the practitioner encounters obstacles in daily living or searching for an answer to resolve difficulty. Then again, it is mandatory to develop solemn faith and belief while using this method. The practitioner needs to cultivate genuine good intention without harboring any harm against others!
Procedure of Application:
1) Before sleep, do kneel-prayer in-front of Grandmaster alter or directly towards the clear sky (at home) without any obstacle. The “Grandmaster Mug” should be
filled and be present with your prayer.
2) Pray for your wanted solution and drink half of the tea from the “Grandmaster Mug”
3) Proceed to sleep before midnight with the “Grandmaster Mug” placed within reach in the bedroom
4) Wake up during 3am – 5am and drink the balance of tea from the “Grandmaster Mug”
5) Meditate immediately for 30min to 60min with total relaxation, compassion and inner peace
6) Return to sleep
By doing above steps, the practitioner will receive signal of messages in the sub—consciousness state of mind (THETA) either in meditation or in sleep. However, some people may see the result for the first time while others may need to do continually for few times. It is important to know that meditation should be practiced naturally and comfortably without compelling your body or thought to yield any results. Otherwise, the practice will be futile.
The“Grandmaster Mug” can also be used just like any other normal drinking mug. This can promote peaceful living and calibrate our vibrations to attain inner peace.
The Origins of “Grandmaster Mug”
In September 2012, about 80 KongDao fellowers gathered in Thailand Hatyai for the annual event of grouped prayer session. They came mainly from Malaysia and Singapore, stayed together for 3 - 4 days while observing the 2-day prayer sessions with the Hatyai temple initiated by Teacher Su WenLong Sir.
During the meetings for few days, many discussions were brought up on the expansion of KongDao sect and mutual learning was encouraged. From the group, a senior fellower brought up the teachings of neuro-training that synchronized with the meditation technique taught by Grandmaster ZhenKong. He also outlined the methodology of exploiting the THETA power in ourselves which could be developed easier through our religious practice.
Simultaneously, another fellower has been researching on the scientific animosity of water nature and aligned it to the miracles of tea-drinking initiation passed down by Grandmaster ZhenKong. Hence, the concept of creating the “Grandmaster Mug” was born. Through the amicable discussion among many fellowers, they decided to jointly create this new instrument and planned to issue on the Birth date anniversary of Grandmaster ZhenKong in 2013. This project was later conceded by Kluang Temple and became a hot talk among all KongDao temples throughout Malaysia and Singapore.
The fellowers that were involved and agreed in the discussion included Qiu LingLi Sir, Shen YuBi Sir, Jiang ShanHu, Huang JianNeng, Cai QingJi, Zhu YiZhong, Luo YaXiang, Wu BaoWen, Huang JW etc.
The Merits of Supporting DAO
Grandmaster taught the merits of supporting DAO can be divided into 3 parts: Practice, Execute and Preach. It is important for KongDao fellowers to observe the 5 Precepts and 4 Examinations as our daily practice for DAO. To contribute labor work and efforts in temple to benefit others is considered as executing DAO while preaching is an essential to help spread the good teachings passed down by the Grandmaster.
Another way of earning merits is to be guardian of DAO. This can be done by making monetary contribution of whatever amount to the temple. The token is usually used to maintain daily operations as well as contribute to buying the incense offerings for the Grandmaster alter. Fellowers will earn immeasurable merits of abundance and wisdom by being guardian of DAO as they help to ensure the lineage of DAO practice to be continued for many generations.
The“Grandmaster Mug” is sold at SGDS10 / RM20 for the purpose of raising funds to rebuild temple and daily maintenance. Your contribution will earn immeasurable merits by being our guardian of DAO.
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LaoZi always likened DAO to water that both carry the same characteristics. In his teachings, water was the first element created when universe initiated and very versatile in making umpteen changes in forms. While water can be transformed into solid state (ice), vapor state (evaporated as humid air) and water state (flow of streams to ocean), it will take a practitioner to completely understand the versatility of water only after comprehending the true value of these 3 different states of existence. Technically, it takes this trinity to revert to become the original state of water which is known as One Original Entity of Qi with no more segregation of Yin and Yang.
In Dao De Jing, LaoZi said one must observe spiritual practice like the pure intrinsic value of water, which benefits all other users but never conflict with anyone. In elaboration, water quenches thirst of all drinkers regardless of whoever consumes it and it supports all living things. It also cleanses the stains and pollutions of another entity without prejudice. However, the original state of water element is always pure and perfect despite mixing with whatever other elements. Today, this has been scientifically proven by laboratory separation process and desalination of sea water into drinking water.
Therefore, the making of holy water has become a cleansing agent commonly used by many religions to wash away sins, sickness and karma for last few thousands of years. Nevertheless, it is important for a practitioner to comprehend that nurturing the pure value of water in ourselves is more vital. The application of “Living DAO” equates to non-provocative behavior in our daily livings with Awakened Mind which will naturally lead us to abundance and wisdom in life.
The Science of Water Healing and Characteristics
Since 1999, there is a Japanese hydo-researcher and author named as Masaru Emoto who wrote on the healing power of water. Some of his international bestseller includes “Hidden Messages from Water”, “The True Power of Water”, “Water-Crystal Healing” and “The Healing Power of Water”. According to Masaru Emoto’s research, the mlecular structure of water will form into a beautiful cum perfect crystal shape under harmonious environment. For instance, the water obtained from mountainous streams and peaceful nature carries perfect octagonal or decagonal shapes under freezing point when observed through microscopic magnificence. These water molecules are
believed to be highly energized and could heal our bodies with harmonized vibrations compared to the water that carries damaged (lopsided) molecules.
Apart from obtaining good quality water that is highly energized, perfect-structured, harmonized, oxygenated from the wild nature, many studies in the past have been conducted on the same characteristics of water that has been chanted by religious prayers. While water is a very unique element that can absorb and dissipate energy, it will be logical for it to synchronize with faithful prayers that can be treated as“Holy water”.
In India, River Ganges is ranked as one of the fifth most polluted river in the world. Yet, the Hindus treat it as a sacred Hoy river that can purify the sins and souls. Ironically, scientists have also verified that River Ganges carry an “X-factor” that emits high level of oxygen for healing effects. Theoretically, this is explained by uncountable Saints who have been bathing, chanting prayers and meditating at the river for past few thousand years.
Till now, other authors that wrote about the animosity of water characteristics in healing include Nathaniel Altman, Sumeet Sharma, Ulrich Holst. In summary, water is an element of unique characteristics that can blend into any other element as mentioned in Dao De Jing since 5 thousand years ago. The energy carried by water under different environment as “dead water” or “live water” can be very unimaginable and beyond the extreme of our knowledge.
The Initiation of Tea-Drinking by Grandmaster ZhenKong
In our religious practice, Grandmaster ZhenKong initiated the tea-drinking ceremony after every prayer session since he began preaching. This is a unique practice that signifies the blessings be bestowed upon all fellowers with abundance, wisdom and happiness.
Using his supreme wisdom, Grandmaster ZhenKong fully comprehended the significance of water properties that aligned to his objective for healing ailments. Therefore, he used holy-tea as a miraculous antidote to detoxify, purify and cure many opium addicts and the sicknesses without medication.
Today, it has been scientifically proven that Chinese tea carries high level of anti-oxidants that can prevent illnesses or even cure certain diseases from consistent consumption. Through prayer, high vibrancy and harmonized energy are injected into the tea for increasing the efficiency to consumers. Of course, the faith and belief of receivers must synchronize perfectly with the teachings of ZhenKong sect wholeheartedly.
While Grandmaster ZhenKong wrote 4 Holy Texts as the main teachings for our sect, the most powerful one is the “Holy Text of BaoKong” that depicts the ultimate prowess of DAO in overruling all time and space vectors since and even before the beginning of Universe. Chanting this Holy Text carries highly energized power that can dissipate evils, remove obstacles, rectify negativity and develop positive energies. It is this miraculous effect that we believe the prowess of DAO has injected into the tea in curing umpteen sicknesses for more than last 100 years.
Hence, it has become a common practice for fellowers of ZhenKong sect to ask for blessings from the Grandmaster and be bestowed through tea-drinking ceremony. While we believe the prowess of DAO is omnipresent, fellowers may ask for blessings at home with wholehearted faith and belief by making use of the “Grandmaster Mug”.
Direction of Use
The“Grandmaster Mug” promotes the practice of receiving blessings through tea-drinking by fellowers. The rightful use of it will be very effective if the practitioner encounters obstacles in daily living or searching for an answer to resolve difficulty. Then again, it is mandatory to develop solemn faith and belief while using this method. The practitioner needs to cultivate genuine good intention without harboring any harm against others!
Procedure of Application:
1) Before sleep, do kneel-prayer in-front of Grandmaster alter or directly towards the clear sky (at home) without any obstacle. The “Grandmaster Mug” should be
filled and be present with your prayer.
2) Pray for your wanted solution and drink half of the tea from the “Grandmaster Mug”
3) Proceed to sleep before midnight with the “Grandmaster Mug” placed within reach in the bedroom
4) Wake up during 3am – 5am and drink the balance of tea from the “Grandmaster Mug”
5) Meditate immediately for 30min to 60min with total relaxation, compassion and inner peace
6) Return to sleep
By doing above steps, the practitioner will receive signal of messages in the sub—consciousness state of mind (THETA) either in meditation or in sleep. However, some people may see the result for the first time while others may need to do continually for few times. It is important to know that meditation should be practiced naturally and comfortably without compelling your body or thought to yield any results. Otherwise, the practice will be futile.
The“Grandmaster Mug” can also be used just like any other normal drinking mug. This can promote peaceful living and calibrate our vibrations to attain inner peace.
The Origins of “Grandmaster Mug”
In September 2012, about 80 KongDao fellowers gathered in Thailand Hatyai for the annual event of grouped prayer session. They came mainly from Malaysia and Singapore, stayed together for 3 - 4 days while observing the 2-day prayer sessions with the Hatyai temple initiated by Teacher Su WenLong Sir.
During the meetings for few days, many discussions were brought up on the expansion of KongDao sect and mutual learning was encouraged. From the group, a senior fellower brought up the teachings of neuro-training that synchronized with the meditation technique taught by Grandmaster ZhenKong. He also outlined the methodology of exploiting the THETA power in ourselves which could be developed easier through our religious practice.
Simultaneously, another fellower has been researching on the scientific animosity of water nature and aligned it to the miracles of tea-drinking initiation passed down by Grandmaster ZhenKong. Hence, the concept of creating the “Grandmaster Mug” was born. Through the amicable discussion among many fellowers, they decided to jointly create this new instrument and planned to issue on the Birth date anniversary of Grandmaster ZhenKong in 2013. This project was later conceded by Kluang Temple and became a hot talk among all KongDao temples throughout Malaysia and Singapore.
The fellowers that were involved and agreed in the discussion included Qiu LingLi Sir, Shen YuBi Sir, Jiang ShanHu, Huang JianNeng, Cai QingJi, Zhu YiZhong, Luo YaXiang, Wu BaoWen, Huang JW etc.
The Merits of Supporting DAO
Grandmaster taught the merits of supporting DAO can be divided into 3 parts: Practice, Execute and Preach. It is important for KongDao fellowers to observe the 5 Precepts and 4 Examinations as our daily practice for DAO. To contribute labor work and efforts in temple to benefit others is considered as executing DAO while preaching is an essential to help spread the good teachings passed down by the Grandmaster.
Another way of earning merits is to be guardian of DAO. This can be done by making monetary contribution of whatever amount to the temple. The token is usually used to maintain daily operations as well as contribute to buying the incense offerings for the Grandmaster alter. Fellowers will earn immeasurable merits of abundance and wisdom by being guardian of DAO as they help to ensure the lineage of DAO practice to be continued for many generations.
The“Grandmaster Mug” is sold at SGDS10 / RM20 for the purpose of raising funds to rebuild temple and daily maintenance. Your contribution will earn immeasurable merits by being our guardian of DAO.
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