1. 《本空祖师》 - 《赖仁章》简介
《本空祖师》 – 赖仁章,生于公元1857 年 七月 二十七日,为人纯静端笃,自幼便立下了出尘大志。儿时,患了<猪婆癞>恶疾,常无因暈倒,家人带之四处寻医就访,都不得痊瘉。他少年时,听信痴人所言,染上鸦片烟,以为可以治好病疾。不料弄巧反拙,不但没把病治好,反而搞坏了身子健康。
2. 《原空祖师》 - 《凌邦璧》简介
《原空祖师》 - 凌邦璧,生于公元1849 年 十二月 二十日,为人聪明正直,交遊广阔,见闻识广。少年时,因一时胡涂贪玩,染上大烟,以至不可自拨。正当三十二岁时,上《修觉山》寻师诫瘾,遇上了廖祖师。经过本教的跪拜方式和静坐,稍出几天就把烟瘾成功的戒脱了!
3. 《受空祖师》 - 《张声见》简介
《受空祖师》 - 张声见,生于公元1852 年 十月 十一日,为人慷慨好义,不拘小节,视钱财如土。只因不慎,吸烟当玩后成瘾。正当二十九岁时,立志戒烟,道听途说《修觉山》道坛里出真人,道赫十方。之后,他步行几百门哩路,到此山上拜师。
4. 《音空慈母》 - 《蓝菊音》简介
《音空慈母》- 蓝菊音,生于公元1859年九月二十五日,实为赖仁章之发妻。《真空教》辑录内无有太多关于蓝祖师的记载,只知道她似乎身体稍弱,两次记载都是与其病发事故有关。
之后的数年间,蓝祖师的个人修行不详。公元1914年,蓝祖师由外回到黄畲山居住,至当年 十二月 二十八日晚病卒,享年55岁。
越年正月 二十六日,各方教友至蓝祖师墓前奔丧。许多师友们商及她生平勤修内果,又熟悉经典,一直为乡里女教友办师事,于是尊称为《音空慈母》。这也无疑广布《真空教》内男女平权之明徵。
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5. 《廖恒心》教长
6. 《显传》老师 - 《林玉璋》简介
7. 《灵霄》老师 - 《黄达忠》简介
8. 《醒光》老师 - 《徐如侃》简介
9. 《光耀》老师 - 《苏文龙》简介
公元1932年,廖恒心叔来南洋布道。苏老师将居銮道堂交给上代 - 恒心叔打理,就带领几个弟子上槟城区去开坛显化,后又北上泰南合艾于该处建立道堂。公元1953年,苏老师再从泰马一路南下,这次来到新加坡,召集各个道堂主持团结起来,组织《星洲真空教联合会》,得道许多支持回应。两年后,苏老师购屋地自建道堂。此道堂坐落于新加坡军港西山园,即今日之《复本堂》。
苏老师在世时,除了虔诚主持道务外,还曾担任过《星洲真空教联合会》主席之职。他生平得许多人敬仰,为人心地正直,自身严谨勤朴,一心修道,把生平传道所得之财物都奉献祖山做报本及奉献社会公益。 人人皆知苏老师性格,虚怀若谷,行善不落人后。
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《本空祖师》 – 赖仁章,生于公元1857 年 七月 二十七日,为人纯静端笃,自幼便立下了出尘大志。儿时,患了<猪婆癞>恶疾,常无因暈倒,家人带之四处寻医就访,都不得痊瘉。他少年时,听信痴人所言,染上鸦片烟,以为可以治好病疾。不料弄巧反拙,不但没把病治好,反而搞坏了身子健康。
2. 《原空祖师》 - 《凌邦璧》简介
《原空祖师》 - 凌邦璧,生于公元1849 年 十二月 二十日,为人聪明正直,交遊广阔,见闻识广。少年时,因一时胡涂贪玩,染上大烟,以至不可自拨。正当三十二岁时,上《修觉山》寻师诫瘾,遇上了廖祖师。经过本教的跪拜方式和静坐,稍出几天就把烟瘾成功的戒脱了!
3. 《受空祖师》 - 《张声见》简介
《受空祖师》 - 张声见,生于公元1852 年 十月 十一日,为人慷慨好义,不拘小节,视钱财如土。只因不慎,吸烟当玩后成瘾。正当二十九岁时,立志戒烟,道听途说《修觉山》道坛里出真人,道赫十方。之后,他步行几百门哩路,到此山上拜师。
4. 《音空慈母》 - 《蓝菊音》简介
《音空慈母》- 蓝菊音,生于公元1859年九月二十五日,实为赖仁章之发妻。《真空教》辑录内无有太多关于蓝祖师的记载,只知道她似乎身体稍弱,两次记载都是与其病发事故有关。
之后的数年间,蓝祖师的个人修行不详。公元1914年,蓝祖师由外回到黄畲山居住,至当年 十二月 二十八日晚病卒,享年55岁。
越年正月 二十六日,各方教友至蓝祖师墓前奔丧。许多师友们商及她生平勤修内果,又熟悉经典,一直为乡里女教友办师事,于是尊称为《音空慈母》。这也无疑广布《真空教》内男女平权之明徵。
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5. 《廖恒心》教长
6. 《显传》老师 - 《林玉璋》简介
7. 《灵霄》老师 - 《黄达忠》简介
8. 《醒光》老师 - 《徐如侃》简介
9. 《光耀》老师 - 《苏文龙》简介
公元1932年,廖恒心叔来南洋布道。苏老师将居銮道堂交给上代 - 恒心叔打理,就带领几个弟子上槟城区去开坛显化,后又北上泰南合艾于该处建立道堂。公元1953年,苏老师再从泰马一路南下,这次来到新加坡,召集各个道堂主持团结起来,组织《星洲真空教联合会》,得道许多支持回应。两年后,苏老师购屋地自建道堂。此道堂坐落于新加坡军港西山园,即今日之《复本堂》。
苏老师在世时,除了虔诚主持道务外,还曾担任过《星洲真空教联合会》主席之职。他生平得许多人敬仰,为人心地正直,自身严谨勤朴,一心修道,把生平传道所得之财物都奉献祖山做报本及奉献社会公益。 人人皆知苏老师性格,虚怀若谷,行善不落人后。
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The Masters and Teachers
1. Master BenKong (Lai)
Master Benkong was named as Lai RenZhang before he sought the practice of KongDao. He was born in 1857 on the 27th day of Chinese lunar 7th month.
Since young, Lai had fit convulsion and always passed out when attacked by this symptom. He sought for many medical remedy but to no avail. Later on, he was misled by others into believing opium could cure the sickness and ease pain. Unfortunately, he became an addict and deteriorated his health.
At the age of 24, he went to Mt. Xiujue and joined the religious group of rehabilitation. After few months of undergoing the intensive care of Master Liao, Lai finally recovered from his ailments and aspired to stay back to serve the Master.
Lai learned and practiced Kongdao diligently for many years. He became the leader of Zhenkong sect in the later years and was reputed as Master BenKong.
Since young, Lai had fit convulsion and always passed out when attacked by this symptom. He sought for many medical remedy but to no avail. Later on, he was misled by others into believing opium could cure the sickness and ease pain. Unfortunately, he became an addict and deteriorated his health.
At the age of 24, he went to Mt. Xiujue and joined the religious group of rehabilitation. After few months of undergoing the intensive care of Master Liao, Lai finally recovered from his ailments and aspired to stay back to serve the Master.
Lai learned and practiced Kongdao diligently for many years. He became the leader of Zhenkong sect in the later years and was reputed as Master BenKong.
2. Master YuanKong (Ling)
Master YuanKong was named as Ling BangBi before he sought after the practice of KongDao. He was born in 1849 on the 20th day of Chinese lunar 12th month.
Back then, Ling was an intelligent and knowledgeable young man. He was misled by friends and became addicted to opium out of mischief. At the age of 32, he was adamant to eradicate this addiction and went to Mt. Xiujue for rehabilitation.
After he was cured, he decided to repay the kindness and volunteered to help out by doing all chores for the temple. After 3 years, Master Liao finally took him in as a fellow disciple and imparted the teachings of Kongdao to him formally. He was later reputed as Master YuanKong.
Back then, Ling was an intelligent and knowledgeable young man. He was misled by friends and became addicted to opium out of mischief. At the age of 32, he was adamant to eradicate this addiction and went to Mt. Xiujue for rehabilitation.
After he was cured, he decided to repay the kindness and volunteered to help out by doing all chores for the temple. After 3 years, Master Liao finally took him in as a fellow disciple and imparted the teachings of Kongdao to him formally. He was later reputed as Master YuanKong.
3. Master ShouKong (Zhang)
Master ShouKong was named as Zhang ShengJian before he sought after the practice of KongDao. He was born in 1852 on the 11th day of Chinese lunar 10th month.
As a young man, Zhang was generous and loved to help others. Unfortunately, he was also lured into opium addiction out of mischief. At the age of 29, he heard about the good name of Master Liao in Mt. Xiujue and vowed to kick this addiction by seeking the teachings of Kongdao.
After he was cured, he too volunteered to stay behind as aide to the temple. He became trusted mates to Lai and Ling while working together with them during daytimes and meditating in nighttimes. Later on, he was accepted as the 3rd fellow disciple of Master Liao and worked hard to attain his enlightenment.
During the days when Grandmaster Liao had 3 of them around him, he always praised the unity of these 3 disciples like having the sun, moon and star in the sky!”
As a young man, Zhang was generous and loved to help others. Unfortunately, he was also lured into opium addiction out of mischief. At the age of 29, he heard about the good name of Master Liao in Mt. Xiujue and vowed to kick this addiction by seeking the teachings of Kongdao.
After he was cured, he too volunteered to stay behind as aide to the temple. He became trusted mates to Lai and Ling while working together with them during daytimes and meditating in nighttimes. Later on, he was accepted as the 3rd fellow disciple of Master Liao and worked hard to attain his enlightenment.
During the days when Grandmaster Liao had 3 of them around him, he always praised the unity of these 3 disciples like having the sun, moon and star in the sky!”
4. Master YinKong (Lan)
Master YinKong was named as Lan Juyin before she sought after the practice of KongDao. She was born in 1859 on the 25th day of Chinese lunar 9th month.
Lan used to be physically weak and always fell into sickness. There was once when her husband (Lai – Master BenKong) returned to hometown, some fellow countrymen told him that Lan was very ill and bedridden.
Lai came to see her immediately and offered to bestow DAO unto her. Since then, she knelt and prayed every day, meditating for health and recited the sutra regularly. She recovered to healthy state and lived on for years while assisted many other fellows in practicing DAO.
In 1914, Lan returned to Mt. HuangShe and took residence there. On the 28th day of Chinese lunar 12th month that year, she passed on in her sickness at the age of 55.
In early 1915, many fellow practitioners of Kongdao came to pay their last respect to her tomb. After the agreement of many allies that nodded on her past contribution and selfless virtues, the seniors conferred her with the title of Master Yinkong despite she was a female. This had given good name to ZhenKong sect that we practice equality between both sexes.
Lan used to be physically weak and always fell into sickness. There was once when her husband (Lai – Master BenKong) returned to hometown, some fellow countrymen told him that Lan was very ill and bedridden.
Lai came to see her immediately and offered to bestow DAO unto her. Since then, she knelt and prayed every day, meditating for health and recited the sutra regularly. She recovered to healthy state and lived on for years while assisted many other fellows in practicing DAO.
In 1914, Lan returned to Mt. HuangShe and took residence there. On the 28th day of Chinese lunar 12th month that year, she passed on in her sickness at the age of 55.
In early 1915, many fellow practitioners of Kongdao came to pay their last respect to her tomb. After the agreement of many allies that nodded on her past contribution and selfless virtues, the seniors conferred her with the title of Master Yinkong despite she was a female. This had given good name to ZhenKong sect that we practice equality between both sexes.
5. Reverend Sir Liao HengXin
Reverend Sir Liao Hengxin was born in 1907, birthplace set in China JiangXi Province Xunwu County. He is a descendent as grand nephew in the family genealogy of Grandmaster Liao.
Reverend Sir Liao was well known for his virtue as a magnanimous and honest personality. In 1931, he left the hometown and went to Hong Kong, then travelled southward to Malaya Peninsula. In the following year, he reached Kluang state and settled down there from the aid of Sir Su WenLong, Lin EnYi and other sect followers. Since then, Reverend Sir Liao began his mission by spreading Kongdao teachings to the locals.
During his reign, Reverend Sir Liao was an upright and indiscriminating character while providing his religious service to mankind selflessly. Through the immense support from many followers, he erected the “Zhenkong Religion Headquarter for Malaysia and Singapore” in 1966 and was subsequently elected as the Reverend for this religious society.
While in Malaya, Reverend Sir Liao married Madam Zhong. After the marriage, they had 5 boys and 3 girls. Due to his untiring efforts, he received abundant blessings from the DAO and contributed a great deal to the expansion of Zhenkong religion in later years. His wife was a wonderful domestic helper and also assisted him in managing the daily chores of temple.
Reverend Sir Liao was well known for his virtue as a magnanimous and honest personality. In 1931, he left the hometown and went to Hong Kong, then travelled southward to Malaya Peninsula. In the following year, he reached Kluang state and settled down there from the aid of Sir Su WenLong, Lin EnYi and other sect followers. Since then, Reverend Sir Liao began his mission by spreading Kongdao teachings to the locals.
During his reign, Reverend Sir Liao was an upright and indiscriminating character while providing his religious service to mankind selflessly. Through the immense support from many followers, he erected the “Zhenkong Religion Headquarter for Malaysia and Singapore” in 1966 and was subsequently elected as the Reverend for this religious society.
While in Malaya, Reverend Sir Liao married Madam Zhong. After the marriage, they had 5 boys and 3 girls. Due to his untiring efforts, he received abundant blessings from the DAO and contributed a great deal to the expansion of Zhenkong religion in later years. His wife was a wonderful domestic helper and also assisted him in managing the daily chores of temple.
6. Sir XianChuan – Lin YuZhang
Sir XianChuan was named as Lin YuZhang before he pursued the practice of KongDao. He was born in 1875 on the 22nd day of Chinese lunar 9th month, birthplace set in FuJian Province YongChun County.
Since young, Sir XianChuan was a knowledgeable and simple person but later misled by bad influences to opium addiction. After he successfully quit his addiction in Fujinsan Temple situated in Fuzhou, he vowed to pursue the practice of Kongdao and sought after the mentorship of three teachers - Wang Wu, Sun Bao and Jiang LieGao.
After that, Sir XianChuan travelled extensively throughout China to spread the teachings of Kongdao. In 1912, he went down south to Southern Asia and was the first person to plant the seeds ZhenKong religion in this region.
In 1916, he reached Malaya and began to spread the teachings of Kongdao to many Chinese locals though erection of many temples. Later on, Sir XianChuan continued his journey to Indonesia and opened new path for ZhenKong religion to develop there.
Since young, Sir XianChuan was a knowledgeable and simple person but later misled by bad influences to opium addiction. After he successfully quit his addiction in Fujinsan Temple situated in Fuzhou, he vowed to pursue the practice of Kongdao and sought after the mentorship of three teachers - Wang Wu, Sun Bao and Jiang LieGao.
After that, Sir XianChuan travelled extensively throughout China to spread the teachings of Kongdao. In 1912, he went down south to Southern Asia and was the first person to plant the seeds ZhenKong religion in this region.
In 1916, he reached Malaya and began to spread the teachings of Kongdao to many Chinese locals though erection of many temples. Later on, Sir XianChuan continued his journey to Indonesia and opened new path for ZhenKong religion to develop there.
7. Sir LingXiao - Huang ZhongDa
Sir LingXiao was named as Huang ZhongDa before he pursued the practice of KongDao. He birth details were not recorded but came from JiangXi Province YuDu County.
Since childhood, Sir LingXiao was a reserved person and he began practicing KongDao at the age of 12 under the mentorship of Zeng LiangKui who is the disciple of Sir Liu XiMing. Later on, Sir LingXiao practiced for more than a decade on Mt. HuangShe under the intensive training of Master BenKong and YuanKong.
In 1926, Sir LingXiao received the order from two Masters and travelled south to Malaya for spreading the KongDao teachings among Peninsula Malaya and Singapura. In 1931, he erected the TianLing temple in Katong area but was moved to Upper Changi Road in 1947. Since then, the temple was renamed as TianLing Headquarter temple and operated as rehabilitation centre. Many opium and drug addicts successfully were cured.
Sir LingXiao passed on in 1950. He left behind thousands of disciples and 60 over temples. During his reign, he was an honest and selfless man while he sent most of the money (accumulated from temples) back to Mt. HuangShe in China. His honorable charisma should be pursued by every KongDao followers.
Since childhood, Sir LingXiao was a reserved person and he began practicing KongDao at the age of 12 under the mentorship of Zeng LiangKui who is the disciple of Sir Liu XiMing. Later on, Sir LingXiao practiced for more than a decade on Mt. HuangShe under the intensive training of Master BenKong and YuanKong.
In 1926, Sir LingXiao received the order from two Masters and travelled south to Malaya for spreading the KongDao teachings among Peninsula Malaya and Singapura. In 1931, he erected the TianLing temple in Katong area but was moved to Upper Changi Road in 1947. Since then, the temple was renamed as TianLing Headquarter temple and operated as rehabilitation centre. Many opium and drug addicts successfully were cured.
Sir LingXiao passed on in 1950. He left behind thousands of disciples and 60 over temples. During his reign, he was an honest and selfless man while he sent most of the money (accumulated from temples) back to Mt. HuangShe in China. His honorable charisma should be pursued by every KongDao followers.
8. Sir XingGuang – Xu RuKan
Sir XingGuan was named as Xu RuKan before he pursued the practice of KongDao. He birth details were not recorded but came from GuangDong Province JiaoLing County. Since young, he came from an educated family and was well trained academically.
There was once when Sir XingGuang met a fortune teller who predicted he would terminate before age 50. Since then, Sir XingGuang became worried and went to seek KongDao from YouYuanShan temple with an intention to reverse his fate. He first went under the mentorship of Sir Li QingLong and later also continued his practice in Mt. HuangShe under the training of Master BenKong and Master YuanKong.
In 1905, Sir XingGuang received order from the two Masters and travelled to Southern Asia for spreading the Kongdao teachings. He came to Sumatra and bestowed much blessings to the local Chinese, hence increasing the fellowership very rapidly.
When he turned 50, he returned to Mt. HuangShe and happened to meet the same fortune teller again. This time, the fortune teller said Sir XingGuang had accumulated many merits by spreading Kongdao teachings, thus would live another 10 years. Sir Xingguang smiled and left quietly.
In 1922, he returned to Malaya to continue his religious mission. He erected ZhenRu temple, BenYuan temple and many more. During his reign, Sir XingGuang was a magnanimous man with great in-depth knowledge of KongDao. He rescued many folks from drug addictions and sickness while leading them to the path of DAO. He lived beyond 90 years old and won the admiration of many followers.
There was once when Sir XingGuang met a fortune teller who predicted he would terminate before age 50. Since then, Sir XingGuang became worried and went to seek KongDao from YouYuanShan temple with an intention to reverse his fate. He first went under the mentorship of Sir Li QingLong and later also continued his practice in Mt. HuangShe under the training of Master BenKong and Master YuanKong.
In 1905, Sir XingGuang received order from the two Masters and travelled to Southern Asia for spreading the Kongdao teachings. He came to Sumatra and bestowed much blessings to the local Chinese, hence increasing the fellowership very rapidly.
When he turned 50, he returned to Mt. HuangShe and happened to meet the same fortune teller again. This time, the fortune teller said Sir XingGuang had accumulated many merits by spreading Kongdao teachings, thus would live another 10 years. Sir Xingguang smiled and left quietly.
In 1922, he returned to Malaya to continue his religious mission. He erected ZhenRu temple, BenYuan temple and many more. During his reign, Sir XingGuang was a magnanimous man with great in-depth knowledge of KongDao. He rescued many folks from drug addictions and sickness while leading them to the path of DAO. He lived beyond 90 years old and won the admiration of many followers.
9. Sir GuangYao - Su WenLong
Sir GuangYao was named as Su WenLong before he pursued the practice of KongDao. He was born in 1880 on the 13th day of Chinese lunar 3rd month, birthplace set in FuJian Province WuPin County.
Sir GuangYao came from a wealthy family who dealt with housing development. Unfortunately, he lost his father at the age of 10. Since young, Sir GuangYao loved the teachings of KongDao and learned regularly from the Mister Lin BanLong in a KongDao temple. At 18, Sir GuangYao married but lost his wife 5 years later. After that, he passed over the family business to his uncle and formerly pursued the practice of KongDao with Mister Lin while bringing his mother alongside.
Later on, Lin brought him to further his practice from Sir Wu DaFeng and Sir Lan YuanLi in Fubentang temple. Both mentors were impressed by his progress and subsequently sent him to Mt. HuangShe to seek the personal trainings of Master BenKong and Master YuanKong.
In 1915, Sir GuangYao received the order from his mentor Sir Lan to construct another new temple in GuangDong Province JiaoLing County. After the temple was completed in 2 years time, his mother passed on which left him with no more worries. Thereafter, Sir GuangYao asked for some KongDao sutras from Mister Huang DaoYun and began his journey to Southern Asia.
In 1932, when Reverend Sir Liao went to Malaya, Sir GuangYao generously handed over to the Kluang temple to him and brought few disciples to Penang and Southern Thailand for his next expenditure. In 1953, Sir GuangYao travelled southward again and came to Singapore. He won many supports from the followers and erected SinChew ZhenKong Religion Union Society. Two years later, he bought a land and constructed his own temple named as FuBenTang temple at Singapore Admiralty.
During his reign, Sir GuangYao served the temple wholeheartedly and also acted as Chairman of SinChew ZhenKong Religion Union Society. He was an upright, thrifty and diligent person that won many supports from followers. All his money received in temple was sent back to Mt. HuangShe and contributed to charity funds. Moreover, Sir GuangYao was well known as a magnanimous and charitable character.
Sir GuanYao passed on in 1963 spring at the age of 87 with many merits created for mankind.
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Sir GuangYao came from a wealthy family who dealt with housing development. Unfortunately, he lost his father at the age of 10. Since young, Sir GuangYao loved the teachings of KongDao and learned regularly from the Mister Lin BanLong in a KongDao temple. At 18, Sir GuangYao married but lost his wife 5 years later. After that, he passed over the family business to his uncle and formerly pursued the practice of KongDao with Mister Lin while bringing his mother alongside.
Later on, Lin brought him to further his practice from Sir Wu DaFeng and Sir Lan YuanLi in Fubentang temple. Both mentors were impressed by his progress and subsequently sent him to Mt. HuangShe to seek the personal trainings of Master BenKong and Master YuanKong.
In 1915, Sir GuangYao received the order from his mentor Sir Lan to construct another new temple in GuangDong Province JiaoLing County. After the temple was completed in 2 years time, his mother passed on which left him with no more worries. Thereafter, Sir GuangYao asked for some KongDao sutras from Mister Huang DaoYun and began his journey to Southern Asia.
In 1932, when Reverend Sir Liao went to Malaya, Sir GuangYao generously handed over to the Kluang temple to him and brought few disciples to Penang and Southern Thailand for his next expenditure. In 1953, Sir GuangYao travelled southward again and came to Singapore. He won many supports from the followers and erected SinChew ZhenKong Religion Union Society. Two years later, he bought a land and constructed his own temple named as FuBenTang temple at Singapore Admiralty.
During his reign, Sir GuangYao served the temple wholeheartedly and also acted as Chairman of SinChew ZhenKong Religion Union Society. He was an upright, thrifty and diligent person that won many supports from followers. All his money received in temple was sent back to Mt. HuangShe and contributed to charity funds. Moreover, Sir GuangYao was well known as a magnanimous and charitable character.
Sir GuanYao passed on in 1963 spring at the age of 87 with many merits created for mankind.
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